Download Apache Http Server For Mac Os X

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Download Apache Http Server For Mac Os X

Download XAMPP for Windows, Linux, and OS X. Older versions of Solaris are also available. Apache 2.4.41. Mac OS X 10.6 or later. Nov 27, 2016  Congratulations, you now have a local Apache web server on your Mac running macOS Sierra 10.12! Optional Steps. Below are some optional steps to further enhance your local web development environment. Apache CSR Creation using Mac OS X. If you already have your SSL Certificate and just need to install it, see Mac OS X SSL Certificate Installation. How to generate a CSR for Mac OS X (version 10.5) Start the Server Admin tool and login to the server for which you will be configuring SSL. Apache HTTP Server 2020 – Create your web page and host it on a server by downloading Apache HTTP Server free for Mac. If you’re an Apple user, you can start managing web pages. This app was created by The Apache Software Foundation Inc. And updated into the latest version at This year. May 18, 2019  10/10 - Download Apache HTTP Server Mac Free. Create your web page and host it on a server by downloading Apache HTTP Server free for Mac. If you're an Apple user, you can start managing web pages. Apache's HTTP server is the best open-source software tool that you can download to.

I mainly do web development on my 15 in Macbook Pro. Mac runs on base Unix foundation so mainly you could install almost all Linux/Unix software on Mac very easily.

Mac OS X comes by default with ApacheWeb Server and PHP. In this tutorial we will go over steps on how to enable those on Mac.

Let’s get started:

Enable Apache Web Server


Open terminal App and run below command:


Open browser and check with URL: http://localhost

Enable PHP Module and verify Perl module


Open Terminal App. Mac OS X comes by default with Perl library. Just type below commands to check Perl and PHP Setup.

Terminal Commands
bash-3.2# pwd
-rw-r--r--1root wheel13077Sep92014magic
drwxr-xr-x14root wheel476Sep92014extra
-rw-r--r--1root wheel20786Sep92014httpd.conf
-rw-r--r--1root wheel20786Jun913:55httpd.conf.bak
bash-3.2# vi httpd.conf


Open file httpd.conf file. You may use any Text Editor also. Free italian-english dictionary download for mac free.

Uncomment the following line (remove #): LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

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Restart Apache Web Server:


  • Find DocumentRoot from httpd.conf file. In my case it’s /Users/crunchify/Documents/Blogs/MAMP as I’m using MAMP on my Mac.
  • You may have diff folder something like /Library/WebServer/Documents/.
  • Create below file crunchify-php-on-mac.php under your DocumentRoot folder.
  • If you don’t see folder Web Server then just create it 🙂

Download Apache Http Server For Mac Os X Update

<?phpecho'<p>Hello World - PHP Testcase on Mac OS X by</p><br>Have a fun. Enjoy.';?>


Now visit this URL: http://localhost/crunchify-php-on-mac.php and you should see php file loaded successfully on browser.

How to Kill Apache httpd process on Mac?

Just incase if you need to kill apache httpd process on Mac then you could use below commands.

sudo launchctl unload/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

Enjoy and Happy coding…

Download Apache Http Server For Mac Os X 10 7 Download Free

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Use the links below to download the Apache HTTP Server from one of ourmirrors. You mustverify the integrity of the downloadedfiles using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directory.The signatures can be verified with ourKEYS file.

Only current recommended releases are available on the main distributionsite and its mirrors. Historical releases, including the 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2families of releases, are available from the archive download site.

Apache httpd for Microsoft Windows is available froma number of third party vendors.

Stable Release - Latest Version:

  • 2.4.41 (released 2019-08-14)

If you are downloading the Win32 distribution, please read these importantnotes.

[if-any logo] [end] The currently selected mirror is[preferred]. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please selectanother mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (atthe end of the mirrors list) that should be available.You may also consult the complete list ofmirrors.

The Apache HTTP Server Project is pleased toannounce therelease of version 2.4.41 of the Apache HTTP Server ('Apache' and 'httpd').This version of Apache is our latest GA release of the new generation 2.4.xbranch of Apache HTTPD and represents fifteen years of innovation by theproject, and is recommended over all previous releases!

For details, see the OfficialAnnouncement andthe CHANGES_2.4 andCHANGES_2.4.41 lists.

  • Source: httpd-2.4.41.tar.bz2[ PGP ] [SHA256 ]

  • Source: httpd-2.4.41.tar.gz [PGP ] [SHA256 ]

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project arepleased to announce the release of version 2.3.9 of mod_fcgid, a FastCGIimplementation for Apache HTTP Server versions 2.2 and 2.4. Thisversion of mod_fcgid is a security release.

For information about this module subproject, see the mod_fcgid moduleproject page.

  • Source as gzip with LF line endings:mod_fcgid-2.3.9.tar.gz[PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]

  • Source as bz2 with LF line endings:mod_fcgid-2.3.9.tar.bz2[PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]

  • Win32, Netware or OS/2 Source with CR/LF line[PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]

The Apache HTTP Server Project is pleased to announce the release of ApacheFTP module for Apache HTTP Server, version 0.9.6 as beta.

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Users are encouraged to test and provide feedback on this beta release. Forinformation about this module subproject, see the mod_ftp module projectpage.

  • Source with LF line endings (bzip2 compressed):mod_ftp-0.9.6-beta.tar.bz2[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

  • Source with LF line endings (gzip compressed):mod_ftp-0.9.6-beta.tar.gz[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

  • Win32, Netware or OS/2 Source with CR/LF line[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Download Apache Http Server For Mac Os X 12

It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files usingthe PGP or SHA signatures. Please read Verifying Apache HTTP ServerReleases for more information on why you shouldverify our releases and how to do it.